The Attitudes

The Amish are known for their humility, simplicity, and pacifism, and their attitudes are often characterized by:

The Amish value humility and obedience, and try to avoid pride and drawing attention to themselves. They demonstrate humility through their speech, handshake, and smile, and they avoid wearing jewelry, cosmetics, and taking personal photographs.

The Amish believe that simplicity is a symbol of humility, and they avoid modern conveniences like electricity, technology, and vehicles. They use technology selectively to avoid weakening the community.

The Amish value community and tradition, and the welfare of the community is more important than individual rights. They are governed by an unwritten code of behavior called the Ordnung, and they deal with disobedient members through shunning.

Respect for others
The Amish promote respect for others and discourage arrogance. They are eager to avoid taking personal credit for achievements.
The Amish also value family, and their daily lives are governed by their religious beliefs.